
Luxury Home Renovation Ideas for Toronto

By Onyxa Canada, Updated May 14, 2024

Luxury Home Renovation Ideas

Top Trend Ideas for Luxury Home Renovation in Toronto
Making over your home into something that conjures luxury will surely sound somewhat like such a trip. Be that as it might, in 2023, said renovations are not merely fashionable, but they’re smart investments. Insights from for instance,
Today’s Homeowner based on the ROI of Your Home Remodel report indicate that such renovations could skyrocket your home’s value, delivering an average return on investment (ROI) of about 69%. But to truly capitalize on this potential, careful planning and consideration are key.

As you consider your options, you will certainly want to factor in styles that merge timeless sophistication with modern fashion trends, select the best materials that are going to stand the test of time in years of use and utilize your space fully by developing both function and luxury. Remodeling of modern homes also largely covers the need to incorporate smart technologies, which not only make work easier but may be energy-saving and add value to a residential.

Budgeting remains another pertinent procedure. A proper budget plan helps maintain cost sanity and ensures you cut your coat according to the correct size without compromising on quality.

Finally, an important decision to be made is whether to bring in professionals or tackle some aspects of the project by yourself.

DIY can be a fulfilling and cost-effective endeavor for some tasks, but for more complex renovations, professional expertise can make all the difference in achieving that luxurious finish.

Ready to renovate your home? Let us explore these exciting aspects of luxury home renovation.

Benefits of luxury home renovation in Toronto

Benefits of luxury home renovation

You might be wondering, “What benefits can I expect from a luxury home renovation in Toronto?” Let us explain. In recent years, luxury home renovations have emerged as a premium investment in Toronto. Beyond the financial aspect, it’s about crafting a personal haven where you can reign supreme in your own domain.

Here are the key advantages of opting for a luxury home renovation in Toronto:

  • Substantial Return on Investment (ROI): Investing in high-end renovations can yield significant financial returns.
  • Elevated Property Value: Such upgrades can markedly increase your home’s market value.
  • Boosted Comfort and Functionality: Revamping your home can significantly enhance its comfort and usability.
  • Energy Efficiency: Modern renovations often include eco-friendly features, reducing both your utility bills and environmental footprint.
  • Contemporary Design: Upgrade your home with the latest in design trends and aesthetics.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Luxurious additions can greatly improve your overall living experience.
  • Improved Resale Prospects: Should you choose to sell, a luxuriously renovated home often attracts buyers more quickly and commands a higher price.

Wondering where to find the best materials for your luxury home renovation? Let Onyxa assist you. As Toronto’s leading supplier of porcelain slabs and natural stone, we’re here to help you elevate your home renovation project.
Contact Onyxa for a free appointment and start your journey towards a dream home with top-notch quality and elegance.

Main factors to consider in luxury home renovation

Main factors to consider in luxury home renovation

Embarking on a luxury home renovation journey requires a blend of vision, planning, and practicality. It’s about transforming your living space into a reflection of your aspirations and lifestyle while navigating the complexities of design, budget, and construction. As you delve into this exciting project, keep in mind these key principles to guide your path to a successful and fulfilling home transformation.

  • Aspire Boldly; Plan Strategically
  • Plan Your Finances Intelligently
  • Avoid Doing It Yourself
  • Select a Trusted Contractor
  • Maintain Active Involvement
  • Mix Timeless and Modern Styles
  • Add a Personal Touch
  • Set Realistic Expectations

Trend styles for luxury renovation

Lately, the world of luxury home makeovers has really taken some exciting turns. Let’s chat about what’s hot right now:

Keeping it Simple and Stylish:

Keeping it Simple and Stylish

It’s all about that minimalist vibe. Think less is more – clean lines, a chill color scheme, and cool materials like glass and metal. It’s like giving your space a breath of fresh air, making it super sleek and modern.

Going Green: 

Going Green

Everyone’s thinking about the planet these days, right? So, in some materials that are kind to Mother Earth. We’re talking recycled stuff, like wood and glass and paints that don’t mess with the air. And hey, in eco-friendly luxury home renovation, solar panels and nifty energy-saving gadgets are pretty much a must-have.

  • Tech-Savvy Homes:

Tech-Savvy Homes

Who doesn’t love a bit of tech magic? Smart luxury homes are getting smarter with stuff like lights, temperature, and security you can control with just a tap. Plus, all the latest in gadgets and entertainment systems.

  • Outdoor Luxe Life:

Outdoor Luxe Life

The backyard’s not just a backyard anymore. It’s like this lush extension of your home, with fancy outdoor kitchens, cozy fireplaces, snazzy lights, and places just to chill out and enjoy the vibe.

  • Bathrooms like Spa Retreats:

Bathrooms like Spa Retreats

Bathrooms are turning into these super luxurious spa-like spots. Imagine stepping into a massive shower or a standalone tub, with everything looking posh in marble and natural stone. It’s like having a spa day every day.

  • Making a Statement:

Making a Statement

While keeping it minimal is cool, there’s also this trend of throwing in some bold, eye-catching pieces. Think of unique textures and artsy bits that make your place really feel like you.

  • Open Space Magic:

Open Space Magic

Open floor plans? Still totally in. They make your place feel bigger and more connected, especially in the main hangout spots like the living room, dining area, and kitchen.

  • Tailor-Made Spaces:

Tailor-Made Spaces

It’s all about making your space your own. Custom-built stuff that’s just right for you, from fancy cabinets to one-of-a-kind light fixtures.


Materials that you can consider in luxury renovation

When it comes to sprucing up a luxury home, porcelain slabs are stealing the spotlight these days. They’re like the Swiss Army knife of materials – strong, versatile, and drop-dead gorgeous. Let’s dive into the latest lineup, with porcelain slabs leading the pack:

  • Porcelain Slabs:

Porcelain Slabs
The MVP of renovation materials! Porcelain slabs are tough cookies, but they also know how to dress to impress. They can play the part of natural stone, wood, or even concrete, but they’re way easier to take care of. You’ll see them strutting their stuff as countertops, floors, and wall coverings. Talk about a game-changer!
You can consider PREMIUM AGATE BLACK and PREMIUM SAHARA BLANC from Onyxa’s premium porcelain slabs series,


  • Natural Stone: Think of the classics – marble, granite, and quartz. They’re like the timeless little black dress of materials, always in style. They’re a hit for countertops and flooring, and making bathrooms look super luxe.
  • Hardwood Floors: Nothing beats the warmth and elegance of hardwood. Oak, walnut, cherry – they’re like the cozy, sophisticated foundation of a space.
  • Glass Features: For that modern, open-air feel, glass is your go-to. Big windows, glass walls, and chic accents especially shine in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Metal Accents: It’s all about the bling! Brass, copper, stainless steel – these guys bring a touch of class. Perfect for fixtures, handles, and those little touches that make a space pop.
  • Reclaimed Wood: Want to add a bit of rustic charm or go green? Reclaimed wood is perfect. It’s great for floors, walls, and one-of-a-kind furniture pieces.

Key areas for luxury renovation

When it comes to luxury home renovations, it’s all about focusing on key areas to boost the property’s value, functionality, and overall look and feel. Let’s break down the hotspots for high-end makeovers:

  • Kitchen:


This isn’t just where meals are made; it’s the heart of the home. Think top-notch appliances, custom cabinets, top-trend countertop materials like porcelain slab or quartz, and mood-setting lights. It’s not just about cooking; it’s about creating a spot where everyone loves to hang out.

Explore Onyxa’s premium porcelain slab series, designed to add luxury and durability to your kitchen. These high-quality slabs are perfect for creating an elegant and long-lasting kitchen space.

  • Bathroom(s):


Who wouldn’t dream of a bathroom that mirrors the tranquility of a spa? Imagine expansive walk-in showers, indulgent standalone tubs, upscale fixtures, and perhaps the cozy luxury of heated floors. Incorporating materials such as porcelain slabs, particularly from the premium Calacatta Wow series or designer tiles, can infuse your bathroom with an additional layer of opulence and style.
Read more: Porcelain Slabs Shower for Walls

  • Living Room/Common Areas:

Living Room

These spaces are all about comfort and style. High-quality flooring, custom-built features, the latest entertainment tech, and elegant furniture turn these areas into perfect spots for relaxing or hosting friends.

  • Master Suite:

16. luxury Master Suite min

Amping up the master bedroom into a suite is a game-changer. Think about a spacious walk-in closet, a bathroom right in the suite, and maybe even a cozy fireplace or a private balcony.

  • Outdoor Living Space:

Outdoor Living Space

Luxury doesn’t stop at the door. Picture awesome patios or decks, outdoor kitchens, professional landscaping, plus cool extras like pools, hot tubs, or fire pits.

  • Home Office:

Home Office

More and more folks are working from home, so why not do it in style? Built-in bookshelves, top-tier desks, comfy and ergonomic furniture, and the latest tech can make working from home a dream.

  • Home Theater/Entertainment Room:

Home Theater

Imagine a space just for fun – a home theater or a game room with top-of-the-line audio-visual systems, comfy seating, and mood lighting.

  • Entryway and Foyer:

Entryway and Foyer

First impressions are everything. A grand entrance with a stunning staircase, eye-catching chandelier, and high-end finishes says ‘luxury’ right from the start.

  • Fitness Room/Gym:

Fitness Room

Having a personal gym with pro equipment, mirrors, and the right flooring adds a serious wow factor.

  • Wine Cellar:

For wine lovers, a custom cellar with climate control and a unique design is both practical and posh.

Upgrading these areas with top-notch materials, smart design, and the latest tech transforms your home into a luxurious and super comfy space.


Luxury home renovation costs in Toronto

When diving into luxury home renovations in Toronto, the price tag can vary a lot. It all depends on what you’re doing, the swankiness of the materials, how big the space is, and any special custom stuff you want.

  • Overall Costs: We’re talking anywhere from a few hundred bucks to a few thousand per square foot. For the really fancy stuff, it wouldn’t be unusual to see costs go over CAD 1,000 per square foot.
  • Kitchen Makeover: A swanky kitchen redo could set you back CAD 50,000 to way over CAD 200,000. Things like custom cabinets, top-of-the-line appliances, and fancy countertops all add up.
  • Bathroom Redo: For a bathroom that feels like a spa, you’re looking at CAD 25,000 to CAD 100,000 or more. Think high-end fixtures, custom tiles, and cool tech.
  • Living Room/Common Areas: Fixing up these spaces with high-quality materials and custom work could cost CAD 30,000 to over CAD 100,000, depending on how big the project is.
  • Master Suite Upgrade: Turning the master bedroom into a luxury suite can cost between CAD 50,000 and CAD 200,000. This could include a fancy walk-in closet, posh finishes, and extra features like a fireplace or balcony.
  • Outdoor Spaces: For outdoor renovations, like landscaping, decks, pools, and outdoor kitchens, prices can start around CAD 50,000 and can go way up, even past CAD 200,000.
  • Home Office: Decking out a luxury home office might cost between CAD 15,000 and CAD 50,000, depending on how custom and techy you go.
  • Home Theater: For a home theater that wows, expect to pay anywhere from CAD 20,000 to over CAD 100,000. This includes the fancy audio-visual gear, comfy seats, and soundproofing.
  • Whole House Renovation: If you’re redoing the whole place, it could start at a few hundred thousand dollars and easily go beyond a million, especially if the house is big and the renovations are extensive.

Remember, these are ballpark figures. The final cost can swing a lot based on who’s doing the work, the materials you pick, and any big changes to the structure. It’s smart to get detailed quotes from pros and have a backup budget for any surprises that pop up during the renovation.

Final Note:

As we wrap up our dive into the world of luxury home renovations, let’s lock in some key pointers for turning your home into a dream space:

  • Plan with Purpose: Start with a solid game plan and clear goals. Whether you’re dreaming of a top-notch kitchen or a bathroom that feels like a spa, every choice should be a step towards your ultimate vision.
  • Smart Budgeting: Set a budget that’s realistic but also leaves room for those top-shelf materials and any surprises that might pop up. In luxury renovations, going for quality is always a smart move.
  • Expert Hands: Pick pros who know their way around luxury projects. Their expertise isn’t just handy for making your ideas come to life; it’s also key to keeping things running smoothly.
  • Your Signature Style: Make it yours. Adding custom features and personal touches is what turns a house into a home that screams ‘you’.
  • Think Green: Bring in elements that are kind to the planet and efficient. It’s not just about adding value; it’s about making choices that make sense for today’s world.
  • Follow the Rules: Make sure everything you do is on the up and up with local building codes. It’s super important for keeping things legal and safe.

In the end, a luxury renovation is more than just a facelift for your home. It’s about creating a space that’s all about quality, tailored to your lifestyle, and wrapped in your personal style. 

Elevate your home with the beauty and durability of Onyxa’s porcelain slabs and natural stones. Your luxurious Toronto home is just a selection away. Let’s create something extraordinary together!

Contact us today!

+1 (416) 854.8645


Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What are the typical costs of luxury home renovations in Toronto?
    • Luxury home renovations in Toronto can vary widely in cost depending on the scope of the project, but they often range from $200 to $500+ per square foot.
  2. How long does a luxury home renovation project in Toronto usually take?
    • The duration of a luxury home renovation project in Toronto depends on its complexity, but it can range from a few months to a year or more.
  3. Are there any specific permits or regulations I should be aware of when renovating a luxury home in Toronto?
    • Yes, Toronto has specific building permits and regulations for luxury home renovations. It’s essential to consult with a local architect or contractor who is familiar with these requirements.
  4. What are some popular luxury home renovation trends in Toronto?
    • In Toronto, popular luxury home renovation trends include open-concept living spaces, smart home technology integration, energy-efficient upgrades, and high-end kitchen and bathroom improvements.
  5. How can I find reputable contractors for my luxury home renovation project in Toronto?
    • To find reputable contractors in Toronto, ask for referrals from friends, family, or real estate professionals. Additionally, check online reviews and verify their credentials, licenses, and insurance to ensure you’re working with a trusted team.
  1. What renovations increase luxury home value?
    • Luxury home value can be increased through renovations such as kitchen and bathroom upgrades, adding amenities like pools or outdoor spaces, expanding living areas, and incorporating smart technology.
  2. What renovations are sensible for selling a luxury home?
    • When selling a luxury home in Toronto, it makes sense to focus on enhancing curb appeal with landscaping and exterior improvements, staging the home to highlight its luxury features, updating outdated interior finishes, addressing necessary repairs, and showcasing unique amenities like wine cellars or home theaters.
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